ion-triangle"> '
. sprintf(__('Can\'t move %1$s to %2$s', 'duplicator-pro'), esc_html($path), DUPLICATOR_PRO_SSDIR_PATH_INSTALLER)
. '';
* Get file list to store
* @return array
public static function getStoredMigrationLists()
if (($migrationData = self::getMigrationData()) == false) {
$filesToCheck = array();
} else {
$filesToCheck = array(
$migrationData->installerLog => __('Installer log', 'duplicator-pro'),
$migrationData->installerBootLog => __('Installer boot log', 'duplicator-pro'),
$migrationData->origFileFolderPath => __('Original files folder', 'duplicator-pro'),
$result = array();
foreach ($filesToCheck as $path => $label) {
$storedPath = DUPLICATOR_PRO_SSDIR_PATH_INSTALLER . '/' . basename($path);
if (!file_exists($storedPath)) {
$result[$storedPath] = $label;
return $result;
* Check if exist file to remove
* @return bool
public static function haveFileToClean()
return count(self::checkInstallerFilesList()) > 0;
* Gets a list of all the installer files and directory by name and full path
* @remarks
* FILES: installer.php, installer-backup.php, dup-installer-bootlog__[HASH].txt
* DIRS: dup-installer
* Last set is for lazy developer cleanup files that a developer may have
* accidentally left around lets be proactive for the user just in case.
* @return string[] file names
public static function getGenericInstallerFiles()
return array(
* Get installer files list
* @return string[]
public static function checkInstallerFilesList()
$migrationData = self::getMigrationData();
$foldersToChkeck = array(
$result = array();
if (!empty($migrationData)) {
if (
file_exists($migrationData->archivePath) &&
!DUP_PRO_Archive::isBackupPathChild($migrationData->archivePath) &&
!PackageImporter::isImportPath($migrationData->archivePath) &&
!RecoveryPackage::isRecoverPath($migrationData->archivePath) &&
) {
$result[] = $migrationData->archivePath;
if (
file_exists($migrationData->installerPath) &&
self::isInstallerFile($migrationData->installerPath) &&
!DUP_PRO_Archive::isBackupPathChild($migrationData->installerPath) &&
!RecoveryPackage::isRecoverPath($migrationData->installerPath) &&
) {
$result[] = $migrationData->installerPath;
if (file_exists($migrationData->installerBootLog)) {
$result[] = $migrationData->installerBootLog;
if (file_exists($migrationData->dupInstallerPath)) {
$result[] = $migrationData->dupInstallerPath;
foreach ($foldersToChkeck as $folder) {
$result = array_merge($result, SnapIO::regexGlob($folder, array(
'regexFile' => array(
$result = array_map(array('\\Duplicator\\Libs\\Snap\\SnapIO', 'safePathUntrailingslashit'), $result);
return array_unique($result);
* Check if file is installer file
* @param string $path path to check
* @return bool true if the file at current path is the installer file
public static function isInstallerFile($path)
if (!is_file($path) || !is_array($last5Lines = SnapIO::getLastLinesOfFile($path, 5)) || empty($last5Lines)) {
return false;
return strpos(implode("", $last5Lines), "DUPLICATOR_PRO_INSTALLER_EOF") !== false;
* Clean installer files
* @param bool $deleteCleanInstallReportOption Delete clean install report option
* @param int $fileTimeDelay File time delay
* @return array Clean result
public static function cleanMigrationFiles($deleteCleanInstallReportOption = true, $fileTimeDelay = 0)
$cleanList = self::checkInstallerFilesList();
$result = array();
foreach ($cleanList as $path) {
$success = false;
try {
if ($fileTimeDelay <= 0 || time() - filectime($path) > $fileTimeDelay) {
$success = (SnapIO::rrmdir($path) !== false);
} else {
// The file does not even need to be removed yet
$success = true;
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$success = false;
} catch (Error $ex) {
$success = false;
$result[$path] = $success;
if ($deleteCleanInstallReportOption) {
return $result;
* Recalculate active schedules next run time
* @return void
public static function updateNextSchedules()
$schedules = DUP_PRO_Schedule_Entity::get_active();
foreach ($schedules as $schedule) {