id')) {
if (preg_match('/Build\/([^\);]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$version = Data\BuildIds::identify($match[1]);
if ($version) {
if (!isset($this->data->os->version) || $this->data->os->version == null || $this->data->os->version->value == null || $version->toFloat() < $this->data->os->version->toFloat()) {
$this->data->os->version = $version;
/* Special case for Android L */
if ($version->toFloat() == 5) {
$this->data->os->version = $version;
$this->data->os->build = $match[1];
/* Windows */
private function detectWindows($ua)
if (preg_match('/(Windows|WinNT|WinCE|WinMobile|Win ?[9MX]|Win(16|32))/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Windows';
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
/* Windows NT */
if (preg_match('/Windows 2000/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '5.0', 'alias' => '2000' ]);
if (preg_match('/(Windows XP|WinXP)/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '5.1', 'alias' => 'XP' ]);
if (preg_match('/Windows Vista/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '6.0', 'alias' => 'Vista' ]);
if (preg_match('/(?:Windows NT |WinNT)([0-9][0-9]?\.[0-9])/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
switch ($match[1]) {
case '10.1':
case '10.0':
case '6.4':
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'alias' => '10' ]);
case '6.3':
if (preg_match('/; ARM;/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'alias' => 'RT 8.1' ]);
} else {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'alias' => '8.1' ]);
case '6.2':
if (preg_match('/; ARM;/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'alias' => 'RT' ]);
} else {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'alias' => '8' ]);
case '6.1':
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'alias' => '7' ]);
case '6.0':
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'alias' => 'Vista' ]);
case '5.2':
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'alias' => 'Server 2003' ]);
case '5.1':
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'alias' => 'XP' ]);
case '5.0':
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'alias' => '2000' ]);
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'alias' => 'NT ' . $match[1] ]);
/* Windows 10 IoT Core */
if (preg_match('/Windows IoT (1[0-9]\.[0-9]);/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'alias' => '10 IoT Core' ]);
/* Windows */
if (preg_match('/(Windows 95|Win95)/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '4.0', 'alias' => '95' ]);
if (preg_match('/(Windows 98|Win98)/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '4.1', 'alias' => '98' ]);
if (preg_match('/(Windows M[eE]|WinME)/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '4.9', 'alias' => 'ME' ]);
if (preg_match('/(?:Windows|Win 9x) (([1234]\.[0-9])[0-9\.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
switch ($match[2]) {
case '4.0':
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '4.0', 'alias' => '95' ]);
case '4.1':
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '4.1', 'alias' => '98' ]);
case '4.9':
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '4.9', 'alias' => 'ME' ]);
/* Windows Mobile and Windows Phone */
if (preg_match('/WPDesktop/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Windows Phone';
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '8.0', 'details' => 2 ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
$this->data->browser->mode = 'desktop';
if (preg_match('/WP7/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Windows Phone';
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '7', 'details' => 1 ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
$this->data->browser->mode = 'desktop';
if (preg_match('/WinMobile/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Windows Mobile';
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
if (preg_match('/WinMobile\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);
if (preg_match('/(Windows CE|WindowsCE|WinCE)/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
if (preg_match('/ IEMobile/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Windows Mobile';
if (preg_match('/ IEMobile\/9/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Windows Phone';
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '7.5', 'details' => 2 ]);
if (preg_match('/ IEMobile 8/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '6.5', 'details' => 2 ]);
if (preg_match('/ IEMobile 7/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '6.1', 'details' => 2 ]);
if (preg_match('/ IEMobile 6/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '6.0', 'details' => 2 ]);
} else {
$this->data->os->name = 'Windows CE';
if (preg_match('/WindowsCEOS\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);
if (preg_match('/Windows CE ([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);
$model = null;
if (empty($model) && preg_match('/IEMobile [0-9.]+\) ?(?:PPC; |SP; |Smartphone; )?(?:[0-9]+[Xx][0-9]+;? )?(?:VZW; )?([^;\(]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
if (!preg_match('/(Profile\/MIDP|UNTRUSTED)/u', $match[1])) {
$model = $match[1];
if (empty($model) && preg_match('/IEMobile [0-9.]+\) (?:PPC|SP|Smartphone); (?:[0-9]+[Xx][0-9]+;? )([^;]+) Profile\/MIDP/u', $ua, $match)) {
$model = $match[1];
if (empty($model) && preg_match('/MSIE [0-9.]+; Windows CE; (?:PPC|SP|Smartphone); [0-9]+x[0-9]+; ([^;\)]+)\)$/u', $ua, $match)) {
$model = $match[1];
if (empty($model) && preg_match('/MSIE [0-9.]+; Windows CE; (?:PPC|SP|Smartphone); [0-9]+x[0-9]+; ([^;]+); (?:PPC|OpVer)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$model = $match[1];
if (empty($model) && preg_match('/MSIE [0-9.]+; Windows CE; (?:PPC|SP|Smartphone); ([^;]+) Profile\/MIDP/u', $ua, $match)) {
$model = $match[1];
if (empty($model) && preg_match('/MSIE [0-9.]+; Windows CE; (?:PPC|SP|Smartphone) ([^;\(]+)[;\/] [0-9]+x[0-9]+/u', $ua, $match)) {
$model = $match[1];
if (empty($model) && preg_match('/MSIE [0-9.]+; Windows CE; ([^;\(]+); [0-9]+x[0-9]+\)/u', $ua, $match)) {
if (!preg_match('/^(Smartphone|PPC$)/u', $match[1])) {
$model = $match[1];
if (empty($model) && preg_match('/MSIE [0-9.]+; Windows CE; ([^;\(]+);? ?(?:PPC|SP|Smartphone); ?[0-9]+x[0-9]+/u', $ua, $match)) {
if (!preg_match('/^(MIDP-2.0)/u', $match[1])) {
$model = $match[1];
if (empty($model) && preg_match('/MSIE [0-9.]+; Windows CE; ([^;\)]+)(?:; (?:PPC|SP|Smartphone); [0-9]+x[0-9]+)?\)( \[[a-zA-Z\-]+\])?$/u', $ua, $match)) {
if (!preg_match('/^(IEMobile|MIDP-2.0|Smartphone|PPC$)/u', $match[1])) {
$model = $match[1];
if (!empty($model)) {
$model = preg_replace('/(HTC\/|Toshiba\/)/', '', $model);
$this->data->device->model = $model;
$this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;
$this->data->os->name = 'Windows Mobile';
$device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('wm', $model);
if ($device->identified) {
$device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;
$this->data->device = $device;
} else {
if (empty($model) && preg_match('/Windows CE [^;]+; Trident\/[^;]+; IEMobile[\/ ][^;]+[\);] ([A-Z\s]+); ?([^\/\),]+)/ui', $ua, $match)) {
$model = $match[2];
if (!empty($model)) {
$this->data->device->model = $model;
$this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;
$this->data->os->name = 'Windows Phone';
$device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('wp', $model);
if ($device->identified) {
$device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;
$this->data->device = $device;
if (preg_match('/Microsoft Windows; (PPC|Smartphone)/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Windows Mobile';
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
if (preg_match('/Windows CE; (PPC|Smartphone)/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Windows Mobile';
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
/* Detect models in common places */
if (preg_match('/Windows ?Mobile/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Windows Mobile';
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
if (preg_match('/Windows ?Mobile[\/ ]([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);
if (preg_match('/Windows Mobile; (?:SHARP\/)?([^;]+); (?:PPC|Smartphone);/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->device->model = $match[1];
$this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;
$device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('wm', $match[1]);
if ($device->identified) {
$device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;
$this->data->device = $device;
if (preg_match('/\(([^;]+); U; Windows Mobile/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->device->model = $match[1];
$this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;
$device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('wm', $match[1]);
if ($device->identified) {
$device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;
$this->data->device = $device;
if (preg_match('/(Windows Phone|Windows NT 1[0-9]\.[0-9]; ARM|WPDesktop|ZuneWP7)/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Windows Phone';
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
if (preg_match('/Windows Phone(?: OS)?[ \/]([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);
if (intval($match[1]) < 7) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Windows Mobile';
/* Windows Mobile 6.5 */
if (preg_match('/Windows NT 5.1; ([^;]+); Windows Phone/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->device->model = $match[1];
$this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;
$device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('wm', $match[1]);
if ($device->identified) {
$device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;
$this->data->device = $device;
/* Windows Phone 7 (buggy) */
if (preg_match('/Windows Phone OS [^;]+; Trident\/[^;]+; IEMobile[\/ ][^;]+[\);] ([A-Z\s]+); ?([^\/\),]+)/ui', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->device->manufacturer = $match[1];
$this->data->device->model = $match[2];
$this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;
$device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('wp', $match[2]);
if ($device->identified) {
$device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;
$this->data->device = $device;
/* Windows Phone 7 and 8 */
if (preg_match('/IEMobile\/[^;]+;(?: ARM; Touch; )?(?:rv:[0-9]+; )?(?: WpsLondonTest; )?\s*([^;\s][^;\)]*);\s*([^;\)\s][^;\)]*)[;|\)]/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->device->manufacturer = $match[1];
$this->data->device->model = $match[2];
$this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;
$device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('wp', $match[2]);
if ($device->identified) {
$device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;
$this->data->device = $device;
/* Windows Phone 10 */
if (preg_match('/Windows Phone 1[0-9]\.[0-9]; Android [0-9\.]+; (?:WebView\/[0-9\.]+; )?([^;\s][^;]*);\s*([^;\)\s][^;\)]*)[;|\)]/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->device->manufacturer = $match[1];
$this->data->device->model = $match[2];
$this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;
$device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('wp', $match[2]);
if ($device->identified) {
$device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;
$this->data->device = $device;
/* Windows Phone 10 Continuum */
if (preg_match('/Windows NT 1[0-9]\.[0-9]; ARM; ([^;\)\s][^;\)]*)\)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->device->model = $match[1];
$this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;
$device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('wp', $match[1]);
if ($device->identified) {
$device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;
$this->data->device = $device;
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
/* Third party browsers */
if (preg_match('/IEMobile\/[^;]+;(?: ARM; Touch; )?\s*(?:[^\/]+\/[^\/]+);\s*([^;\s][^;]*);\s*([^;\)\s][^;\)]*)[;|\)]/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->device->manufacturer = $match[1];
$this->data->device->model = $match[2];
$this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;
$device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('wp', $match[2]);
if ($device->identified) {
$device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;
$this->data->device = $device;
if (preg_match('/\(Windows Phone OS\/[0-9\.]+; ([^:]+):([^;]+); [a-z]+(?:\-[a-z]+)?\)/iu', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->device->manufacturer = $match[1];
$this->data->device->model = $match[2];
$this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;
$device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('wp', $match[2]);
if ($device->identified) {
$device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;
$this->data->device = $device;
/* Desktop mode of WP 8.1 */
if (preg_match('/WPDesktop;\s*([^;\)]*)(?:;\s*([^;\)]*))?(?:;\s*([^;\)]*))?\) like Gecko/u', $ua, $match)) {
if (preg_match("/^[A-Z]+$/", $match[1]) && isset($match[2])) {
$this->data->device->manufacturer = $match[1];
$this->data->device->model = $match[2];
} else {
$this->data->device->model = $match[1];
$this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;
$device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('wp', $this->data->device->model);
if ($device->identified) {
$device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;
$this->data->device = $device;
/* Desktop mode of WP 7 */
if (preg_match('/XBLWP7; ZuneWP7; ([^\)]+)\)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->device->model = $match[1];
$this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;
$device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('wp', $match[1]);
if ($device->identified) {
$device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;
$this->data->device = $device;
/* Desktop mode of WP 8.0 and 8.1 Update (buggy version) */
if (preg_match('/Touch; WPDesktop;\s*([^;\)]*)(?:;\s*([^;\)]*))?(?:;\s*([^;\)]*))?\)/u', $ua, $match)) {
if (preg_match("/^[A-Z]+$/", $match[1]) && isset($match[2])) {
$this->data->device->manufacturer = $match[1];
$this->data->device->model = $match[2];
} else {
$this->data->device->model = $match[1];
$this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;
$device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('wp', $this->data->device->model);
if ($device->identified) {
$device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;
$this->data->device = $device;
if (isset($this->data->device->manufacturer) && isset($this->data->device->model)) {
if ($this->data->device->manufacturer == 'ARM' && $this->data->device->model == 'Touch') {
$this->data->device->manufacturer = null;
$this->data->device->model = null;
$this->data->device->identified = Constants\Id::NONE;
if ($this->data->device->model == 'XDeviceEmulator') {
$this->data->device->manufacturer = null;
$this->data->device->model = null;
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::EMULATOR;
$this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::MATCH_UA;
} elseif (preg_match('/WMPRO/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Windows Mobile';
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
private function detectWindowsOemManufacturer($ua)
$manufacturers = [
'MAAR' => 'Acer',
'ASJB' => 'Asus',
'ASU2' => 'Asus',
'MAAU' => 'Asus',
'NP06' => 'Asus',
'NP07' => 'Asus',
'NP08' => 'Asus',
'NP09' => 'Asus',
'CMNTDF' => 'Compaq',
'CPDTDF' => 'Compaq',
'CPNTDF' => 'Compaq',
'MDDR' => 'Dell',
'MDDC' => 'Dell',
'MDDS' => 'Dell',
'FSJB' => 'Fujitsu',
'MAFS' => 'Fujitsu',
'MAGW' => 'Gateway',
'HPCMHP' => 'HP',
'HPDTDF' => 'HP',
'HPNTDF' => 'HP',
'MANM' => 'Hyrican',
'LCJB' => 'Lenovo',
'LEN2' => 'Lenovo',
'MALC' => 'Lenovo',
'MALE' => 'Lenovo',
'MALN' => 'Lenovo',
'MAMD' => 'Medion',
'MAMI' => 'MSI',
'MAM3' => 'MSI',
'MASM' => 'Samsung',
'SMJB' => 'Samsung',
'MASA' => 'Sony',
'MASE' => 'Sony',
'MASP' => 'Sony',
'MATB' => 'Toshiba',
'MATM' => 'Toshiba',
'MATP' => 'Toshiba',
'TAJB' => 'Toshiba',
'TNJB' => 'Toshiba',
$keys = array_keys($manufacturers);
if (preg_match('/; (' . implode('|', $keys) . ')(?:JS)?[\);]/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->device->manufacturer = $manufacturers[$match[1]];
$this->data->device->hidden = true;
$this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::INFER;
/* Jolla Sailfish */
private function detectSailfish($ua)
if (preg_match('/Sailfish;/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Sailfish';
$this->data->os->version = null;
if (preg_match('/Jolla;/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Jolla';
if (preg_match('/Mobile/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->device->model = 'Phone';
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
$this->data->device->identified = Constants\Id::PATTERN;
if (preg_match('/Tablet/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->device->model = 'Tablet';
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TABLET;
$this->data->device->identified = Constants\Id::PATTERN;
/* Bada */
private function detectBada($ua)
if (preg_match('/[b|B]ada/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Bada';
if (preg_match('/[b|B]ada[\/ ]([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
if (preg_match('/\(([^;]+); ([^\/]+)\//u', $ua, $match)) {
if ($match[1] != 'Bada') {
$this->data->device->manufacturer = $match[1];
$this->data->device->model = $match[2];
$this->data->device->identified = Constants\Id::PATTERN;
$device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('bada', $match[2]);
if ($device->identified) {
$device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;
$this->data->device = $device;
/* Tizen */
private function detectTizen($ua)
if (preg_match('/Tizen/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Tizen';
if (preg_match('/Tizen[\/ ]?([0-9.]*[0-9])/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
if (preg_match('/\(([^;]+); ([^\/]+)\//u', $ua, $match)) {
$falsepositive = false;
if (strtoupper($match[1]) == 'SMART-TV') {
$falsepositive = true;
if ($match[1] == 'TV') {
$falsepositive = true;
if ($match[1] == 'Linux') {
$falsepositive = true;
if ($match[1] == 'Tizen') {
$falsepositive = true;
if (!$falsepositive) {
$this->data->device->manufacturer = $match[1];
$this->data->device->model = $match[2];
$this->data->device->identified = Constants\Id::PATTERN;
$device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('tizen', $match[2]);
if ($device->identified) {
$device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;
$this->data->device = $device;
if (preg_match('/\s*([^;]+);\s+([^;\)]+)\)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$falsepositive = false;
if ($match[1] == 'U') {
$falsepositive = true;
if (substr($match[2], 0, 5) == 'Tizen') {
$falsepositive = true;
if (substr($match[2], 0, 11) == 'AppleWebKit') {
$falsepositive = true;
if (preg_match("/^[a-z]{2,2}(?:\-[a-z]{2,2})?$/", $match[2])) {
$falsepositive = true;
if (!$falsepositive) {
$this->data->device->model = $match[2];
$this->data->device->identified = Constants\Id::PATTERN;
$device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('tizen', $match[2]);
if ($device->identified) {
$device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;
$this->data->device = $device;
if (!$this->data->device->type && preg_match('/Mobile/iu', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
if (preg_match('/\((SMART[ -])?TV;/iu', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TELEVISION;
$this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Samsung';
$this->data->device->series = 'Smart TV';
$this->data->device->identified = Constants\Id::PATTERN;
if (preg_match('/(?:Samsung|Tizen ?)Browser\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->browser->name = "Samsung Browser";
$this->data->browser->channel = null;
$this->data->browser->stock = true;
$this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->browser->channel = null;
if (preg_match('/Linux\; U\; Android [0-9.]+\; ko\-kr\; SAMSUNG\; (NX[0-9]+[^\)]]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Tizen';
$this->data->os->version = null;
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::CAMERA;
$this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Samsung';
$this->data->device->model = $match[1];
$this->data->device->identified = Constants\Id::PATTERN;
/* Symbian */
private function detectSymbian($ua)
if (!preg_match('/(EPOC|Series|Symbian|S60|UIQ)/ui', $ua)) {
/* EPOC */
if (preg_match('/EPOC(?:32)?[;\-\)]/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'EPOC';
$this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Symbian' ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::PDA;
if (preg_match('/Crystal\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Series80';
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '1.0' ]);
$this->data->os->family->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
$this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Nokia';
$this->data->device->model = '9210';
$this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;
if (preg_match('/Nokia\/Series-9200/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Series80';
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '1.0' ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
$this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Nokia';
$this->data->device->model = '9210i';
$this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;
/* Series 80 */
if (preg_match('/Series80\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Series80';
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Symbian' ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
/* Series 60 */
if (preg_match('/Symbian\/3/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Series60';
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '5.2' ]);
$this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Symbian' ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
if (preg_match('/Series[ ]?60/u', $ua) || preg_match('/S60[V\/;]/u', $ua) || preg_match('/S60 Symb/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Series60';
$this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Symbian' ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
if (preg_match('/Series60\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
if (preg_match('/S60\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
if (preg_match('/S60V([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
/* UIQ */
if (preg_match('/UIQ\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'UIQ';
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Symbian' ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
/* Symbian */
if (preg_match('/Symbian/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Symbian' ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
if (preg_match('/SymbianOS\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->family->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
if ($this->data->os->isFamily('Symbian')) {
if (preg_match('/Nokia-?([^\/;\)\s]+)[\s|\/|;|\)]/u', $ua, $match)) {
if ($match[1] != 'Browser') {
$this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Nokia';
$this->data->device->model = Data\DeviceModels::cleanup($match[1]);
$this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;
if (preg_match('/Symbian(?:\/3)?; U; (?:Nokia)?([^;]+); [a-z][a-z](?:\-[a-z][a-z])?/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Nokia';
$this->data->device->model = Data\DeviceModels::cleanup($match[1]);
$this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;
if (preg_match('/Vertu([^\/;]+)[\/|;]/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Vertu';
$this->data->device->model = Data\DeviceModels::cleanup($match[1]);
$this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;
if (preg_match('/Samsung\/([^;]*);/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Samsung';
$this->data->device->model = Data\DeviceModels::cleanup($match[1]);
$this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;
if (isset($this->data->device->model)) {
$device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('symbian', $this->data->device->model);
if ($device->identified) {
$device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;
$this->data->device = $device;
private function detectNokiaOs($ua)
if (!preg_match('/(Series|MeeGo|Maemo|Geos)/ui', $ua)) {
/* Series 40 */
if (preg_match('/Series40/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Series40';
if (preg_match('/Nokia([^\/]+)\//u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Nokia';
$this->data->device->model = Data\DeviceModels::cleanup($match[1]);
$this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;
if (isset($this->data->device->model)) {
$device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('s40', $this->data->device->model);
if ($device->identified) {
$device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;
$this->data->device = $device;
if (isset($this->data->device->model)) {
$device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('asha', $this->data->device->model);
if ($device->identified) {
$device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;
$this->data->os->name = 'Nokia Asha Platform';
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '1.0' ]);
$this->data->device = $device;
if (preg_match('/java_runtime_version=Nokia_Asha_([0-9_]+);/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => str_replace('_', '.', $match[1]) ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
/* Series 30+ */
if (preg_match('/Series30Plus/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Series30+';
if (preg_match('/Nokia([^\/]+)\//u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Nokia';
$this->data->device->model = Data\DeviceModels::cleanup($match[1]);
$this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;
if (isset($this->data->device->model)) {
$device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('s30plus', $this->data->device->model);
if ($device->identified) {
$device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;
$this->data->device = $device;
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
/* Meego */
if (preg_match('/MeeGo/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'MeeGo';
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
if (preg_match('/Nokia([^\);]+)\)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Nokia';
$this->data->device->model = Data\DeviceModels::cleanup($match[1]);
$this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;
$this->data->device->generic = false;
/* Maemo */
if (preg_match('/Maemo/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Maemo';
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
if (preg_match('/(N[0-9]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Nokia';
$this->data->device->model = $match[1];
$this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;
$this->data->device->generic = false;
/* GEOS */
if (preg_match('/Geos ([0-9.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'GEOS';
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
if (preg_match('/Nokia-([0-9]{4,4}[a-z]?)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Nokia';
$this->data->device->model = $match[1];
$this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;
$this->data->device->generic = false;
/* WebOS */
private function detectWebos($ua)
if (preg_match('/(?:web|hpw)OS\/(?:HP webOS )?([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'webOS';
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->device->type = preg_match('/Tablet/iu', $ua) ? Constants\DeviceType::TABLET : Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
$this->data->device->generic = false;
if (preg_match('/(?:Spark|elite)\/fzz/u', $ua, $match) || preg_match('/webOSBrowser/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'webOS';
$this->data->device->type = preg_match('/Tablet/iu', $ua) ? Constants\DeviceType::TABLET : Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
$this->data->device->generic = false;
if (preg_match('/ (Pre|Pixi|TouchPad|P160UN?A?)\/[0-9\.]+$/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'webOS';
$this->data->device->type = $match[1] == 'TouchPad' ? Constants\DeviceType::TABLET : Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
$this->data->device->generic = false;
if ($this->data->isOs('webOS')) {
if (preg_match('/Pre\/1.0/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Palm';
$this->data->device->model = 'Pre';
if (preg_match('/Pre\/1.1/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Palm';
$this->data->device->model = 'Pre Plus';
if (preg_match('/Pre\/1.2/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Palm';
$this->data->device->model = 'Pre 2';
if (preg_match('/Pre\/3.0/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Palm';
$this->data->device->model = 'Pre 3';
if (preg_match('/Pixi\/1.0/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Palm';
$this->data->device->model = 'Pixi';
if (preg_match('/Pixi\/1.1/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Palm';
$this->data->device->model = 'Pixi Plus';
if (preg_match('/P160UN?A?\/1.0/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->device->manufacturer = 'HP';
$this->data->device->model = 'Veer';
if (preg_match('/TouchPad\/1.0/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->device->manufacturer = 'HP';
$this->data->device->model = 'TouchPad';
if (preg_match('/Emulator\//u', $ua) || preg_match('/Desktop\//u', $ua)) {
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::EMULATOR;
$this->data->device->manufacturer = null;
$this->data->device->model = null;
$this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::MATCH_UA;
/* Kai OS */
private function detectKaiOS($ua)
if (preg_match('/Kai(OS)?\/([0-9.]+)/i', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->reset([ 'name' => 'KaiOS', 'version' => new Version([ 'value' => $match[2] ]) ]);
$this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Firefox OS' ]);
/* BlackBerry */
private function detectBlackberry($ua)
/* BlackBerry OS */
if (preg_match('/RIM([0-9]{3,3})/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'BlackBerry OS';
$this->data->device->manufacturer = 'RIM';
$this->data->device->model = $match[1];
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
$this->data->device->identified = Constants\Id::INFER;
if (preg_match('/BlackBerry/u', $ua) && !preg_match('/BlackBerry Runtime for Android Apps/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'BlackBerry OS';
$this->data->device->model = 'BlackBerry';
$this->data->device->manufacturer = 'RIM';
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
$this->data->device->identified = Constants\Id::INFER;
if (!preg_match('/Opera/u', $ua)) {
if (preg_match('/BlackBerry([0-9]+[ei]?)\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->device->model = $match[1];
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[2], 'details' => 2 ]);
if (preg_match('/; BlackBerry ([0-9]*);/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->device->model = $match[1];
if (preg_match('/; ([0-9]+)[^;\)]+\)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->device->model = $match[1];
if (preg_match('/Version\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);
if (isset($this->data->os->version) && $this->data->os->version->toFloat() >= 10) {
$this->data->os->name = 'BlackBerry';
if ($this->data->device->model) {
$device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('blackberry', $this->data->device->model);
if ($device->identified) {
$device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;
$this->data->device = $device;
/* BlackBerry 10 */
if (preg_match('/\(BB(1[^;]+); ([^\)]+)\)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'BlackBerry';
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);
$this->data->device->manufacturer = 'BlackBerry';
$this->data->device->model = $match[2];
if ($this->data->device->model == 'Kbd') {
$this->data->device->model = 'Q series or Passport';
if ($this->data->device->model == 'Touch') {
$this->data->device->model = 'A or Z series';
if ($this->data->device->model == 'STL100-2') {
$this->data->device->model = 'Z10';
$this->data->device->type = preg_match('/Mobile/u', $ua) ? Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE : Constants\DeviceType::TABLET;
$this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::MATCH_UA;
if (preg_match('/Version\/([0-9.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);
/* BlackBerry Tablet OS */
if (preg_match('/RIM Tablet OS ([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'BlackBerry Tablet OS';
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);
$this->data->device->manufacturer = 'RIM';
$this->data->device->model = 'BlackBerry PlayBook';
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TABLET;
$this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::MATCH_UA;
} elseif (preg_match('/\(PlayBook;/u', $ua) && preg_match('/PlayBook Build\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'BlackBerry Tablet OS';
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);
$this->data->device->manufacturer = 'RIM';
$this->data->device->model = 'BlackBerry PlayBook';
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TABLET;
$this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::MATCH_UA;
} elseif (preg_match('/PlayBook/u', $ua) && !preg_match('/Android/u', $ua)) {
if (preg_match('/Version\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'BlackBerry Tablet OS';
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);
$this->data->device->manufacturer = 'RIM';
$this->data->device->model = 'BlackBerry PlayBook';
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TABLET;
$this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::MATCH_UA;
/* Internal versions of BlackBerry 10 running on the Playbook */
if ($this->data->isOs('BlackBerry Tablet OS', '>=', 10)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'BlackBerry';
/* Chrome OS */
private function detectChromeos($ua)
/* ChromeCast */
if (preg_match('/CrKey/u', $ua) && !preg_match('/Espial/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Google';
$this->data->device->model = 'Chromecast';
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TELEVISION;
$this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::MATCH_UA;
$this->data->device->generic = false;
/* Chrome OS */
if (preg_match('/CrOS/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Chrome OS';
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
/* Open TV */
private function detectOpenTV($ua)
if (preg_match('/OpenTV/ui', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TELEVISION;
$this->data->os->name = 'OpenTV';
$this->data->os->version = null;
if (preg_match('/OpenTV Build\/([0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
if (preg_match('/OpenTV ([0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
if (preg_match('/Opentv([0-9]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
if (preg_match('/OTV([0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
/* Qtopia */
private function detectQtopia($ua)
if (preg_match('/Qtopia/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Qtopia';
if (preg_match('/Qtopia\/([0-9.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
/* Unix */
private function detectUnix($ua)
if (!preg_match('/(UNIX|OSF|ULTRIX|HP-UX|SunOS|Solaris|AIX|IRIX|NEWS-OS|GENIX)/ui', $ua)) {
/* Unix */
if (preg_match('/Unix/iu', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Unix';
/* Unix System V */
if (preg_match('/(?:UNIX_System_V|UNIX_SV) ([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'UNIX System V';
$this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'UNIX' ]);
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
/* Digital Unix */
if (preg_match('/OSF1?[ _]/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Digital Unix';
$this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'UNIX' ]);
if (preg_match('/OSF1?[ _]V?([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
/* Digital ULTRIX */
if (preg_match('/ULTRIX/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'ULTRIX';
$this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'BSD' ]);
if (preg_match('/ULTRIX ([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
/* HP-UX */
if (preg_match('/HP-UX/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'HP-UX';
$this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'UNIX' ]);
if (preg_match('/HP-UX [A-Z].0?([1-9][0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
/* Solaris */
if (preg_match('/SunOS/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Solaris';
$this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'UNIX' ]);
if (preg_match('/SunOS ([1234]\.[0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'SunOS';
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'BSD' ]);
if (preg_match('/SunOS 4\.1\.([1234])/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Solaris';
switch ($match[1]) {
case '1':
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '1.0' ]);
case '2':
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '1.0.1' ]);
case '3':
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '1.1' ]);
case '4':
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '1.1.2' ]);
if (preg_match('/SunOS 5\.([123456](?:\.[0-9\.]*)?) /u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '2.' . $match[1] ]);
} elseif (preg_match('/SunOS 5\.([0-9\.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
if (preg_match('/Solaris(?: ([0-9\.]+))?;/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Solaris';
$this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'UNIX' ]);
if (preg_match('/Solaris ([0-9\.]+);/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
/* AIX */
if (preg_match('/AIX/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'AIX';
$this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'UNIX' ]);
if (preg_match('/AIX ([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
/* IRIX */
if (preg_match('/IRIX/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'IRIX';
$this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'UNIX' ]);
if (preg_match('/IRIX ([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
if (preg_match('/IRIX;?(?:64|32) ([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
/* Sony NEWS OS */
if (preg_match('/NEWS-OS ([0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'NEWS OS';
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'BSD' ]);
if (preg_match('/NEWS-OS [56]/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'UNIX' ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
/* NEC EWS-UX */
if (preg_match('/EWS-UNIX rev ([0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'EWS-UX';
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'UNIX' ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
/* National Semiconductors GENIX */
if (preg_match('/GENIX ([0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'GENIX';
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'BSD' ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
/* BSD */
private function detectBsd($ua)
if (!preg_match('/(BSD|DragonFly)/ui', $ua)) {
if (preg_match('/X11/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
/* BSD/OS */
if (preg_match('/BSD\/386/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'BSD/OS';
$this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'BSD' ]);
if (preg_match('/BSD\/OS/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'BSD/OS';
$this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'BSD' ]);
if (preg_match('/BSD\/OS ([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
/* FreeBSD */
if (preg_match('/FreeBSD/iu', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'FreeBSD';
$this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'BSD' ]);
if (preg_match('/FreeBSD[ -\/]?([0-9.]*)/iu', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
/* OpenBSD */
if (preg_match('/OpenBSD/iu', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'OpenBSD';
$this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'BSD' ]);
if (preg_match('/OpenBSD ?([0-9.]*)/iu', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
/* NetBSD */
if (preg_match('/NetBSD/iu', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'NetBSD';
$this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'BSD' ]);
if (preg_match('/NetBSD ?([0-9.]*)/iu', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
/* DragonFly */
if (preg_match('/DragonFly/iu', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'DragonFly BSD';
$this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'BSD' ]);
/* Linux */
private function detectLinux($ua)
if (preg_match('/Linux/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Linux';
if (preg_match('/X11/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
if (preg_match('/Antergos Linux/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Antergos Linux';
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
if (preg_match('/Arch ?Linux/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Arch Linux';
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
if (preg_match('/Black Lab Linux/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Black Lab Linux';
if (preg_match('/Black Lab Linux ([0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
if (preg_match('/CentOS/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'CentOS';
if (preg_match('/CentOS\/[0-9\.\-]+el([0-9_]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => str_replace('_', '.', $match[1]) ]);
if (preg_match('/CentOS Linux release ([0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
if (preg_match('/Debian/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Debian';
if (preg_match('/Debian\/([0-9.]*)/iu', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
if (preg_match('/Debian GNU\/Linux ([0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
if (preg_match('/Fedora/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Fedora';
if (preg_match('/Fedora\/[0-9\.\-]+fc([0-9]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => str_replace('_', '.', $match[1]) ]);
if (preg_match('/Fedora release ([0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
if (preg_match('/Gentoo/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Gentoo';
if (preg_match('/Gentoo Base System release ([0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
if (preg_match('/gNewSense/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'gNewSense';
if (preg_match('/gNewSense\/[^\(]+\(([0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
if (preg_match('/Kubuntu/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Kubuntu';
if (preg_match('/Kubuntu[ \/]([0-9.]*)/iu', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
if (preg_match('/Linux Mint/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Linux Mint';
if (preg_match('/Linux Mint ([0-9\.]+)/iu', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
if (preg_match('/Mandriva Linux/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Mandriva';
if (preg_match('/Mandriva Linux\/[0-9\.\-]+mdv([0-9]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
if (preg_match('/Mageia/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Mageia';
if (preg_match('/Mageia\/[0-9\.\-]+mga([0-9]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
if (preg_match('/Mageia ([0-9\.]+)/iu', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
if (preg_match('/Mandriva/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Mandriva';
if (preg_match('/Mandriva\/[0-9\.\-]+mdv([0-9]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
if (preg_match('/moonOS/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'moonOS';
if (preg_match('/moonOS\/([0-9.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
if (preg_match('/Red Hat/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Red Hat';
if (preg_match('/Red Hat[^\/]*\/[0-9\.\-]+el([0-9_]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => str_replace('_', '.', $match[1]) ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
if (preg_match('/Slackware/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Slackware';
if (preg_match('/Slackware[ \/](1[0-9.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
if (preg_match('/SUSE/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'SUSE';
if (preg_match('/SUSE\/([0-9]\.[0-9]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
if (preg_match('/openSUSE ([0-9\.]+)/iu', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
if (preg_match('/Turbolinux/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Turbolinux';
if (preg_match('/Turbolinux\/([0-9]\.[0-9]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
if (preg_match('/Ubuntu/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Ubuntu';
if (preg_match('/Ubuntu\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
if (preg_match('/Ubuntu ([0-9\.]+)/iu', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
if (preg_match('/《붉은별》\/([0-9.]*)/iu', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Red Star';
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
if (preg_match('/Fedora\/[0-9\.\-]+rs([0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Red Star';
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => str_replace('_', '.', $match[1]) ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
if (preg_match('/Linux\/X2\/R1/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'LiMo';
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
if (preg_match('/Linux\/SLP\/([0-9.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Linux SLP';
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
if (preg_match('/LinuxOS\//u', $ua) && preg_match('/Software\/R5/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'EZX Linux';
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
if (preg_match('/elementary OS/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'elementary OS';
if (preg_match('/elementary OS ([A-Za-z]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'alias' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
if (preg_match('/\(Ubuntu; (Mobile|Tablet)/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Ubuntu Touch';
if (preg_match('/\(Ubuntu; Mobile/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
if (preg_match('/\(Ubuntu; Tablet/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TABLET;
if (preg_match('/(?:\(|; )Ubuntu ([0-9.]+) like Android/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Ubuntu Touch';
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
if (preg_match('/Lindows ([0-9.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Lindows';
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;
/* Brew */
private function detectBrew($ua)
if (preg_match('/REX; U/ui', $ua) || preg_match('/REXL4/ui', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'REX';
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
if (preg_match('/REX; U; [^;]+; ([^;]+); ([^;\/]+)[^;]*; NetFront/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->device->manufacturer = Data\Manufacturers::identify(Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE, $match[1]);
$this->data->device->model = $match[2];
$this->data->device->identified = Constants\Id::PATTERN;
$device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('brew', $match[2]);
if ($device->identified) {
$device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;
$this->data->device = $device;
if (preg_match('/[\(\s\-;]BREW[\s\/\-;]/ui', $ua) || preg_match('/BMP( [0-9.]*)?; U/u', $ua) || preg_match('/B(?:rew)?MP\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Brew';
if (preg_match('/BREW MP/iu', $ua) || preg_match('/B(rew)?MP/iu', $ua)) {
$this->data->os->name = 'Brew MP';
if (preg_match('/; Brew ([0-9.]+);/iu', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
} elseif (preg_match('/BREW; U; ([0-9.]+)/iu', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
} elseif (preg_match('/[\(;]BREW[\/ ]([0-9.]+)/iu', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
} elseif (preg_match('/BREW MP ([0-9.]*)/iu', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
} elseif (preg_match('/BMP ([0-9.]*); U/iu', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
} elseif (preg_match('/B(?:rew)?MP\/([0-9.]*)/iu', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);
$this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;
if (preg_match('/(?:Brew MP|BREW|BMP) [^;]+; U; [^;]+; ([^;]+); NetFront[^\)]+\) [^\s]+ ([^\s]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->device->manufacturer = Data\Manufacturers::identify(Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE, $match[1]);
$this->data->device->model = $match[2];
$this->data->device->identified = Constants\Id::PATTERN;
$device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('brew', $match[2]);
if ($device->identified) {
$device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;
$this->data->device = $device;
if (preg_match('/\(([^;]+);U;REX\/[^;]+;BREW\/[^;]+;(?:.*;)?[0-9]+\*[0-9]+(?:;CTC\/2.0)?\)/u', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->device->model = $match[1];
$this->data->device->identified = Constants\Id::PATTERN;
$device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('brew', $match[1]);
if ($device->identified) {
$device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;
$this->data->device = $device;
if (preg_match('/\(BREW [^;]+; U; [^;]+; [^;]+; ([^;]+); (Polaris|Netfront)\/[0-9\.]+\/(WAP|AMB|INT)\)/ui', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->device->model = $match[1];
$this->data->device->identified = Constants\Id::PATTERN;
$device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('brew', $match[1]);
if ($device->identified) {
$device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;
$this->data->device = $device;
if (preg_match('/\(BREW [^;]+; U; [^;]+; [^;]+; Opera Mobi; Presto\/[0-9\.]+\/(?:WAP|AMB|INT)\) ([^\/]+) [^\/]+\//ui', $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->device->model = $match[1];
$this->data->device->identified = Constants\Id::PATTERN;
$device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('brew', $match[1]);
if ($device->identified) {
$device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;
$this->data->device = $device;
/* Remaining operating systems */
private function detectRemainingOperatingSystems($ua)
if (!preg_match('/(BeOS|Haiku|AmigaOS|MorphOS|AROS|VMS|RISC|Joli|OS\/2|Inferno|Syllable|Grid|MTK|MRE|MAUI|Nucleus|QNX|VRE|SpreadTrum|ThreadX)/ui', $ua)) {
$patterns = [
[ 'name' => 'BeOS', 'regexp' => [ '/BeOS/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP ],
[ 'name' => 'Haiku', 'regexp' => [ '/Haiku/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP ],
[ 'name' => 'AmigaOS', 'regexp' => [ '/AmigaOS ?([0-9.]+)/iu', '/AmigaOS/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP ],
[ 'name' => 'MorphOS', 'regexp' => [ '/MorphOS(?: ([0-9.]*))?/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP ],
[ 'name' => 'AROS', 'regexp' => [ '/AROS/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP ],
[ 'name' => 'OpenVMS', 'regexp' => [ '/OpenVMS V([0-9.]+)/iu', '/OpenVMS/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP ],
[ 'name' => 'RISC OS', 'regexp' => [ '/RISC OS(?:-NC)? ([0-9.]*)/iu', '/RISC OS/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP ],
[ 'name' => 'Joli OS', 'regexp' => [ '/Joli OS\/([0-9.]*)/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP ],
[ 'name' => 'OS/2', 'regexp' => [ '/OS\/2;(?: (?:U; )?Warp ([0-9.]*))?/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP ],
[ 'name' => 'Inferno', 'regexp' => [ '/Inferno/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP ],
[ 'name' => 'Syllable', 'regexp' => [ '/Syllable/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP ],
[ 'name' => 'Grid OS', 'regexp' => [ '/Grid OS ([0-9.]*)/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::TABLET ],
[ 'name' => 'MRE', 'regexp' => [ '/\(MTK;/iu', '/\/MTK /iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE ],
[ 'name' => 'MRE', 'regexp' => [ '/MRE\\\\/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE ],
[ 'name' => 'MRE', 'regexp' => [ '/MAUI[-_ ](?:Browser|Runtime)/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE ],
[ 'name' => 'MRE', 'regexp' => [ '/Browser\/MAUI/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE ],
[ 'name' => 'MRE', 'regexp' => [ '/Nucleus RTOS\//iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE ],
[ 'name' => 'MRE', 'regexp' => [ '/\/Nucleus/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE ],
[ 'name' => 'MRE', 'regexp' => [ '/Nucleus\//iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE ],
[ 'name' => 'QNX', 'regexp' => [ '/QNX/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE ],
[ 'name' => 'VRE', 'regexp' => [ '/\(VRE;/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE ],
[ 'name' => 'SpreadTrum', 'regexp' => [ '/\(SpreadTrum;/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE ],
[ 'name' => 'ThreadX', 'regexp' => [ '/ThreadX(?:_OS)?\/([0-9.]*)/iu' ] ],
$count = count($patterns);
for ($b = 0; $b < $count; $b++) {
for ($r = 0; $r < count($patterns[$b]['regexp']); $r++) {
if (preg_match($patterns[$b]['regexp'][$r], $ua, $match)) {
$this->data->os->name = $patterns[$b]['name'];
if (isset($match[1]) && $match[1]) {
$this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => isset($patterns[$b]['details']) ? $patterns[$b]['details'] : null ]);
} else {
$this->data->os->version = null;
if (isset($patterns[$b]['type'])) {
$this->data->device->type = $patterns[$b]['type'];